In your effort to try to deescalate the situation, and to try to buy yourself and her time where somebody can have a dose of sanity, and when you take that phone away, you’ve just committed a misdemeanor crime. Don’t do it. Allow them to make the telephone call.
Most of you who are reading this are not reading it prospectively. Meaning, you’re not reading it anticipating you will get in a fight or an argument in the future, and you will need to successfully navigate these waters, so you don’t get in trouble. Typically, the client will read this after they’ve already been arrested and now, they are trying to better understand the charges they are facing.
What I typically see is two individuals in a fight or argument, the thing gets out of control. For whatever reason, one of the parties wants to call the police and the other party doesn’t want the police called. Sometimes it’s because my client has stepped over the line. Sometimes it’s because the accuser has stepped over the line. It’s very common to see my client trying to stop the individual from calling the police because they usually took it a step too far. What they’re trying to do with that energy and with that effort is to turn back time. They’re trying to stop the fight, and the problems, and the issues, trying to deescalate the situation. They, most of the time, realize that they’ve overstepped and they’re at a place that neither of them wants to be right now.
Regardless of what your intentions are now, maybe you had that epiphany, maybe you have a moment of clarity and you’re like, “If you just give me a moment, we can fix this,” and you attempt to stop that person from making that phone call, that’s criminal in Oklahoma. You can’t do that, and you’ve got to allow them to make that phone call.