Classes are held weekly, in groups, with each class lasting 90 minutes or longer. Maintaining good attendance matters: three consecutive unexcused absences or seven unexcused absence throughout the course may violate the conditions outlined in a defendant's probation agreement. Consequences may include having to start the course over—or being convicted of domestic assault and battery charges and sentenced to jail or prison time.
Have You Been Charged With a Domestic Assault and Battery Crime in the Tulsa, OK Area?
If you or a loved one has been charged with domestic assault and battery in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, you need to speak with an experienced domestic assault and battery lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call 918.384.0850 for your initial strategy session. We are proud to serve Tulsa and all surrounding areas.

Dedicated to defending clients accused of domestic violence, sex & violent crimes throughout eastern Oklahoma.