Being Charged With Solicitation of Prostitution in County Court

If you were arrested and taken to the county jail and had to post a bond and were ordered back to the county courthouse, this is a state charge. The range of punishment is up to a year in jail, $1,000 fine, and court costs. There is a booking photo that can likely be found with Google, a blotter report that will likely be in the paper, and your name and case will be able to be found online. That is the bad news.

The good is news is that it’s possible to negotiate with the assigned ADA. Sometimes the result is a deferred sentence, meaning no finding of guilt, and case dismissed and expunged at the end of a probation period. In Tulsa County district court, those clients of mine who have no criminal history and are charged with misdemeanor prostitution charges regularly receive negotiated plea recommendations from the ADA. This will get my clients where they need to be. It is by no means automatic. I have to work the case to get it for the client, but it happens with a degree of regularity that isn’t available from city prosecutors. As a matter of fact, the city of Tulsa has no flexibility in resolving prostitution cases. The chief of the criminal Division personally places a plea recommendation on each case to demand jail time—usually 10 to 15 days—even for first time offenders who have no criminal history. He will not allow his subordinates to touch his recommendations. We can still get you to a deferred sentence in city court; it is just more complicated and more time consuming.

But maybe we can find even better results. The above discussion assumes that after meeting with you, reviewing the police reports, reviewing the audio or video from the arrest, and meeting with the prosecutor I am not able to either find a legal basis for the prosecutor to dismiss the case or find an available defense that will result in a not guilty verdict at trial. In every case, working for the dismissal and outright win is where I start. Only after I have exhausted these other possibilities and receive authorization from you, the client, will I move forward with a plea offer.

Prostitution Attorney Lee Berlin | Tulsa Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer10 Key Tips From a Prostitution Attorney to Follow After a Charge

  1. Do not tell your spouse, girlfriend, or significant other. EVER.
  2. Do not tell your friends.
  3. Do not tell your boss.
  4. Do not tell your co-workers.
  5. Do not tell a counselor.
  6. Meet with me BEFORE you make any decisions or communications.
  7. This is survivable.
  8. It is possible to avoid jail and a criminal record.
  9. Do not erase anything. Meet with me first.
  10. Get in here. Meet with me. Discuss the case. Get your questions answered. Get some peace of mind. Start sleeping at night. Start living your life again.


Lee Berlin
Dedicated to defending clients accused of domestic violence, sex & violent crimes throughout eastern Oklahoma.