Our firm’s chief emotional support officer, mascot, and all-around good boy, Junior! This dapper dachshund has been a constant companion to Lee for the past three years and has become something of a celebrity around the law office.
While Junior can be very protective of the people he cares about, it’s all bravado. Lee refers to Junior as a barka-potamus, but Junior prides himself on a no-nip policy.
While Junior is now a well-established member of the firm, he didn’t exactly have life handed to him on a silver platter. If you could hear Junior’s thoughts, you would know that he is thinking that he doesn’t like to talk about his early years. Junior doesn’t even know when his real birthday is, but he knows when his life started. On April 13, 2015, Lee adopted Junior from Rivertrails Animal Hospital. Junior’s previous owners abandoned Junior in the country and he was found by a passerby very underweight and terrified.
One thing is certain — Junior is Lee’s shadow. They begin each morning with a walk before sunrise and enjoying a nice scrambled-egg breakfast. After breakfast, the two carpool to work. Since Junior isn’t allowed to go into court with Lee while he’s out representing clients, Junior holds down the fort with Sonya.
Some people joke that Junior is Lee’s therapy dog, but to be clear: Junior doesn’t have a medical degree. Junior has a knack for not only keeping Lee grounded but the entire staff of the Berlin Law Firm grounded. While Junior’s position isn’t client-facing, he has been known to lend a helping paw from time to time when needed. One occasion we had an elder woman come into the firm seeking help on a minor misdemeanor. Junior sensed that she was very upset and when offered to hold Junior the woman accepted the offer and held Junior as she talked. She immediately calmed down as she petted Junior. The calming effect was worth the world at that moment. Who can keep from smiling when holding a happy tail wagging weenie dog in their lap?
When Junior’s not winning over hearts and minds here at the firm, Junior enjoys his vast collection of squeaky toys and growing his social media presence. Be sure to follow Junior’s Facebook account. It’s under Junior Oscar Mayer Berlin. Next time you’re at the office, be sure to say hello to our furriest team member!