Welcome to the Lex Canis Newsletter. Our goal in producing the newsletter is to keep our current and future clients informed and involved. Since we want the newsletter to be as relevant as possible to your needs, we look forward to hearing your comments on any of our newsletter issues.
You can participate by writing an article or sharing your experiences, whether through funny everyday events, recipes or even travel. To get the current newsletter, simply click here Current Newsletter . You can also check out our Previous Newsletter Issues by simply clicking on the month that you are most interest in for more interesting articles and recipes.
October Lex Canis 2019
What would you like to see from our newsletters? Please share with us with your thoughts and ideas through our contact link. We look forward to hearing from you.
Have You Been Charged With A Serious crime In The Tulsa, OK Area?
If you or a loved one has been charged with a serious crime in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area you need to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call 918.384.0850 for your initial strategy session. We are proud to serve Tulsa and all surrounding areas.