Relationship to Sex Crimes Charges
Assault with intent to commit a felony, when it is related to sex crime offenses, typically refers to a situation where an individual has assaulted or attempted to assault someone with the specific intent to commit a sex-related felony. In this context, the sex-related felonies could include crimes such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, or any other offense involving non-consensual sexual activity or sexual misconduct.
Sometimes, multiple charges are used as leverage during plea negotiations. Prosecutors may offer to drop some charges in exchange for a guilty plea on others, leading to a plea agreement that resolves multiple offenses with reduced penalties.
Relationship to Domestic Assault and Battery Charges
Assault with intent to commit a felony can be related to domestic violence charges when the assault occurs within the context of a domestic relationship and is committed with the specific intent to commit a felony offense against a family or household member. In such cases, the charge may encompass both the assault itself and the intended felony, which could be a variety of offenses, including assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, or other serious crimes.
As previously mentioned, prosecutors may add this charge with the intent of giving themselves leverage during a plea negotiation. When they offer to drop some charges in exchange for a guilty plea on others, they get an agreement that resolves multiple offenses with reduced penalties.
What Should You Do If You’ve Been Charged With Assault With Intent to Commit a Felony?
Learning you’re facing criminal charges is obviously stressful, but it’s important to resist the urge to panic. You can take control of the situation by following a few simple steps.
1. Hire an Attorney
One of the most important steps you can take is to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. When you work with Berlin Defense, I will help you understand the charges, provide legal advice, and represent your interests throughout the legal proceedings. If you've been arrested, I can help you navigate the bail process to secure your release from custody while your case is pending.
Worried you can’t afford top-notch legal representation? Berlin Defense offers financing options through LawPay.
2. Learn About Oklahoma’s Legal Process and the Charges Against You
Knowing what you’re up against is key. Our website offers a wide range of helpful resources to explain the legal process in Oklahoma, including a felony case timeline and a free guide titled Top 10 Ways You Are Killing Your Defense.
3. Listen to the Court
With so much at stake, the last thing you want to do is give the judge a reason to be upset with you. Attend all court appearances as required and follow our guidance on how to conduct yourself during these proceedings. You should also make sure you follow any court orders, such as attending counseling or anger management classes directed by the court.