You’re most likely peeing behind a tree or truck because you just finished a big gulp or down 32-64 ounces of a delicious coca cola beverage and you've got to go tinkle. With the charge of Indecent Exposure, the criminal felony aspect comes from exposing your genitals in a lewd or lascivious manner meaning “an eagerness for sexual indulgence” and you’re doing it in a public place where others could be annoyed or offended by your conduct.


The significant legal difference between the charges is the “lewd and lascivious” element. Basic bodily function is obviously something no one wants to see be done in public, which is why there is still a criminal misdemeanor offense. However, the one that really has the felony sex offender teeth is an indecent exposure charge. 


If you’ve been arrested for urinating in a public place, and the Assistant District Attorney charged you with Indecent Exposure pick up the phone and give us a call here at Berlin Law Firm. We can help you sort that out right away.

Lee Berlin
Dedicated to defending clients accused of domestic violence, sex & violent crimes throughout eastern Oklahoma.