Why I created the website is because I wanted to get as much free information out to individuals as possible. When you are charged with this type of crime — the fear that you have, the embarrassment, the humiliation — you don’t know where to go, where to turn or who to ask anything. You could get it from going to a hodgepodge of different sites that maybe will have one page or half of a page, and more than likely they will recite what the statute is — that doesn’t help you. So you are going to start looking at what other states laws are and what attorneys in other states are doing. No. You need one comprehensive site that you can go to, and you can get all the information that you need.

There is an incredible barrier to you just doing one thing, which is picking up the phone and calling a lawyer. That’s huge. To actually say, “I need help. This is what my problem is. This is what is going on.” I want to do whatever I can to educate those folks and bring that barrier down. Because even if it’s not me that they call, pick up the phone and get a lawyer. 

Have You Been Charged With A Serious Crime In The Tulsa, OK Area?

If you or a loved one has been charged with a serious crime in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area you need to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call 918.384.0850 for your initial strategy session. We are proud to serve Tulsa and all surrounding areas.

Lee Berlin
Dedicated to defending clients accused of domestic violence, sex & violent crimes throughout eastern Oklahoma.